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What is privileging?
Privileging is the process where Westside authorizes you to perform specific patient care services at Westside.
What is the FTCA (Federal Torts Claim Act)?
The FTCA is a federal program which provides malpractice protection for health center employees, as long as they are providing services appropriately (e.g. to health center patients, within their scope of practice).
Does the FTCA cover me while practicing outside of Westside Family Healthcare?
The FTCA provides coverage only for services delivered to health center patients, with a few exceptions (e.g., vaccine clinics, working on L&D at Christiana Care).
Why is privileging important?
Privileging is required for providers working at Westside to be covered by FTCA malpractice protection. There are requirements such as practicing within your scope and providing services within Westside’s scope (what we have told the federal government we will deliver).
Does the FTCA provide tail coverage?
Any services provided while you are at Westside are covered by the FTCA, regardless of whether you are still at Westside (if you were practicing within your scope and the scope of Westside). Additional tail coverage is not necessary.
Types of Privileges Explained
Core Privileges define scope and content of patient care that is consistent with the provider’s training.
All core privileges defined in the Request for Privileges are to be performed by the provider type.
Core privileges are not optional, and providers do not have the discretion to eliminate any of the core privileges from their scope of practice.
Examples of Core Privileges:
Take, evaluate, and record comprehensive health histories.
Perform comprehensive physical exams
Reporting of suspected abuse
Supplemental Privileges are privileges that fall outside the primary scope of practice.
They require evidence of specialized training, experience, or credentials to ensure patient safety.
Some supplemental privileges may be granted provisionally, which allows a provider to perform directly supervised procedures at Westside. These privileges are noted on the Request for Privilege – Supplemental Privilege table.
Examples of Supplemental Privileges for Medical Providers:
Insert IUDs
Insert/remove Nexplanon
Optional Privileges are based on a provider’s specific training and discretion.
Providers will receive a link to our Optional Privilege Survey during the onboarding and renewal process. They are granted upon request and are tracked on a Smartsheet for scheduling purposes.
Westside does not train providers in Optional Privileges. When completing the Optional Privilege survey, “Yes” should only be selected if the provider already possesses the skills to perform the procedure independently.
Renewal of Privileges
Revision of Privileges
Re-credentialing and renewal of privileges for providers are performed at least every two years by the responsible parties.
Providers must fill out a Request for Privileges based on their specialty, a Malpractice Attestation and Consent, and complete an Optional Privilege survey, as well as provide an updated CV, immunization records and optional privilege survey.
A request for Revision of Privileges may be requested at any time and can be revised upon written request. Any updates made to current privileges will require proper documentation and review by the CMO. Once approved, the provider will be notified in writing and all appointment type Smartsheet will be updated appropriately.
The Privileging Process
Before your start date, you will be asked to complete a Request for Privileges unique to your credentials. This request will include core and supplemental privileges. In most cases, you will also receive a link to the Optional Privilege Survey form to be completed online.
If you want to request a supplemental privilege for which you are already trained, you may provide evidence of training and request the privilege.
If you wish to request a supplemental privilege for which you are not already trained, you should request the supplemental privilege prior to beginning any training.
Your credentialing file goes to the CMO and Board of Directors for review. At that time, the CMO determines whether a supplemental privilege will be granted in full or granted provisionally.
You will be notified in writing of the privileging decision via a Board Memo Email.
If you are granted a privilege provisionally, you will receive a form to document the supervised care.
Once the requirements of supervised care are complete, you will return the document to the credentialing department, who will then proceed with giving the request and completed form to the CMO for review.
After the CMO has reviewed the request, you will receive written communication regarding the privileging decision.
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