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Acceptable Types of Orders
Medication order type
PRN (“As Needed”) Orders: Orders acted on based on the occurrence of a specific indication or symptom
Automatic Stop Orders: Orders that include a date or time to discontinue a medication
Taper Orders: Orders in which the dose is decreased by a particular amount with each dosing interval
Range Orders: Orders in which the dose or dosing interval (not both) varies over a prescribed range, depending on the situation or patient’s status
Standing Orders: A pre-written medication order and specific instructions from the LIP to administer a medication to a person in clearly defined circumstances
Verbal orders:Orders which are communicated verbally
Exception: permitted in the event of a medical emergency
Range Orders in which the dose AND dosing interval vary over a prescribed range
Required Review Prior to Ordering a Medication
All medication orders are reviewed for:
Patient allergies or potential sensitivities
Existing or potential interactions between the medication ordered and food and medications the patient is currently taking
Appropriateness of the medication, dose, frequency, and route of administration
Current or potential impact as indicated by laboratory values
Therapeutic duplication
Other contraindications
Required Elements of a Medication Order
All medication orders must include:
Name of the medication
Route of administration
Frequency of administration
Amount to be dispensed
Number of refills
Incomplete, Illegible or Unclear Orders
Staff member must clarify and confirm with the ordering provider before taking any action
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