Employee Health FAQ
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    Employee Health FAQ

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    Resumen del artículo

    Employee Health FAQ

    1. What is Employee Health?

      1. Employee Health refers to the health and safety of employees, contractors, students, volunteers, or visitors at a Westside facility. To support the health and safety of these individuals, Employee Health works collaboratively with other departments, for example, HR to ensure employees are up to date with immunizations. Other examples of the role of Employee Health include spearheading our respiratory virus program (for instance COVID-19 and flu), conducting respiratory fit testing, and ensuring infection prevention standards like equipment cleaning and hand hygiene are followed.    

    2. Can the Employee Health Nurse prescribe medicine or treat my illness?

      1. No, if necessary, the Employee Health Nurse will refer you to your PCP for treatment.

    3. If needed, do I receive my required vaccines from Employee Health?

      1. No, if you need vaccines, Employee Health will help you schedule an appointment at one of our Westside Health clinical sites.

    4. Where do I go if I experience a work-related injury? 

      1. In the event of a work-related injury, the most important thing is you get the care you need promptly so please report the injury to your supervisor immediately. Your supervisor will work with Employee Health to assess the situation and provide the necessary information for treatment if indicated. Employee Health will also work with HR, as needed.  

    5. If I’m not feeling well can Employee Health authorize me to work from home (remotely)?

      1. No, you will be referred to your supervisor or manager. They will follow current guidance and contact Employee Health if needed.  

    6. Does Employee Health decide for me to stay home sick?

      1. No, Employee Health may give guidance based on current CDC recommendations, but the final decision is up to you, your manager, and your PCP.

    7. How does Employee Health support infection control? 

      1. Employee Health plays a key role in infection control by monitoring employee health, administering vaccinations, conducting screenings, and educating staff on hygiene practices to reduce workplace infections. 

    8. Does Westside have a wellness program available for employees? 

      1. Yes. Westside offers wellness programs such as fitness challenges, mental health and stress management resources, and access to counseling services via the EAP program. Contact HR for information on current programs. 

    9. Who is our Employee Health Nurse?

      1. Our Employee Health Nurse is Elizabeth Teron, BSN, RN, LTC-CIP.

    10. How do I contact Employee Health?

      1. Employee Health can be reached through email employeehealth@westsidehealth.org or by phone (302.830.3101 ext. 1318)

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