Dental Department FAQ
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    Dental Department FAQ

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    • DF

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    Resumen del artículo

    1. What dental care does Westside Dental provide?

    • We provide hygiene (routine cleanings, full mouth debridements, scaling/root planning), exams (full and limited), restorative (fillings), single-unit crowns (Caps), root canals, extractions, dentures (partial and complete), emergencies, and consultations.

    • During appointments we screen for dental problems including oral cancer, cavities, and gum disease. Regular dental care, dental exams, and cleanings are  important to maintaining proper oral health.

    2. What dental care does Westside Dental NOT provide?

    • We do not provide dental implants; however, we can guide you and refer you to dentists in the area who do offer this service.

    • We do not offer cosmetic services such as Zoom Whitening and Veneers but can refer you to another office that does.

    3. What age patients does Westside Dental see?

    • Dental care is provided to anyone 6 months old and older.

    4. Can I be seen if I am pregnant?

    • Yes, you will see several changes to your oral cavity and will need dental care throughout your pregnancy. The American Dental Association recommends elective treatments to be done during the second trimester. Urgent dental treatments can be done safely.

    5. Is Westside Dental able to care for patients with special needs?

    • Yes, we see patients who have special needs. Also, our operatories are wheelchair accessible.

    • Our caring staff will attend to you every step of the way and try their best to provide you with the treatment you need.

    6. What are the requirements to be seen at Westside Dental?

    • Adults (18+ years old) must be established medical patients with Westside Medical for at least 6 months and continue to be seen as medical patients at least once every 2 years.

    • Minors (6 months to 17 years) can be Westside Dental patients without having to be medical patients. Please remember, once they turn 18, they can no longer be seen unless they are established with medical.

    7. Where are the Westside Dental practices?

    • We have 2 locations in Wilmington (4th and 16th Street), 1 in Dover, and 1 in Newark (opening in January 2025)

    8. When is Westside Dental open?

    • All of our dental offices are open Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    • 4th St. is also open on Thursdays 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

    9. How often should I visit the dentist?

    • Routine visits should be every 6 months. If you have chronic dental problems, we may recommend more frequent visits but talk to your dental team to learn what is best for you.

    • Does Westside Dental take emergency walk-ins? We do not take walk-ins, but we make every effort to fit you into the schedule if you have a dental emergency like pain, swelling, broken tooth, etc.

    • If you have trouble breathing, high fever, and/or swelling that interferes with breathing/swallowing, you should head to your nearest hospital emergency room.

    10. Do I need X-rays even if I don’t have teeth?

    • Yes, dental X-rays are important to rule out tumors, cysts, bone density, and abnormalities, especially if you want Implants.

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