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- OscuroClaro
- DF
Policy AD-710 Document Retention and Destruction Policy 2021-07-16
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- OscuroClaro
- DF
Policy Number: AD-710 | Policy Owner: Corporate Compliance Officer | Effective Date: 7/16/21 | |
Attachment(s): Attachment A: Document Retention Schedule | Original/ Reviewed Date(s): 7/26/04, 12/16/08, 3/24/14, 4/28/15, 3/1/16, 7/7/2016, 1/9/18, 4/30/21, 7/16/21 | ||
Policy Executive: Chief Operating Officer (COO) | Policy Executive Signature: | Approval Date: 7/16/21 | |
Board Representative: N/A | Board Representative Signature: | Approval Date: |
This policy provides the rules for record retention and destruction applicable to paper and electronic documents of Westside Family Healthcare, Inc. (Westside).
The policy also supports good governance practices and reflects Westside’s commitment to accountability and transparency, as well as its adherence to applicable laws relating to preservation and confidentiality of records and protection of employee and patient rights, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Internal Revenue Code, the Civil Rights Act, HIPAA, other federal statutes, and Delaware Code.
Westside retains and maintains documents, as defined below, in their original form in accordance with time periods specified by law and/or based on best practices, as established in the attached schedule. Westside adheres to a regular business practice of document destruction, conducted when documents listed on the schedule reach their retention limit. All individuals covered by this policy are aware of their responsibilities with regard to document retention and destruction, including their legal obligation not to destroy, delete, or modify in any way documents related to a current or potential legal proceeding, as defined below.
This policy covers actions by all Westside Family Healthcare employees, volunteers, board members, and third parties in connection with the retention and destruction of Westside documents.
Documents – Written information recorded on paper or in an electronic format. Electronic documents include but are not limited to those created via Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat as well as email messages and attachments, all of which may be stored on a computer, a server, the cloud, or by other electronic device or means.
Legal Proceeding – Any investigation, civil or criminal litigation, official proceeding, or any proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or of any state or local government.
Document Retention
- Westside is committed to compliance with legal requirements relating to document integrity, document retention, document destruction, and privacy.
- Where legal requirements do not dictate a retention time, Westside follows best practices in determining appropriate retention procedures for its documents.
- For some types of documents, Westside may choose to establish retention times that are longer than legally required, based on organizational needs and preferences.
- Westside retains documents as necessary to comply with law and as needed for operations, but will seek to retain them no longer than as needed for such purposes.
- Documents described in Attachment A: Document Retention Schedule below are maintained by the Human Resources, Administrative, Finance, and Health Information Management Departments and/or other appropriate parties for the time periods indicated.
- If a document is not specifically described in the attached schedule, individuals seeking guidance should contact the Policy Owner identified above.
- Retention of a document, whether or not identified in the attached schedule, should be determined primarily by application of the general principles of this policy and the specific requirements below relating to litigation-relevant materials.
Legal Proceedings
- No documents will be destroyed or deleted if pertinent to any ongoing or anticipated government investigation or proceeding or private litigation.
- Westside will not alter, destroy, delete, mutilate, conceal, cover up, falsify, or make a false entry in a record, or attempt to do so, with the intent to impair the record’s integrity or availability for use in a legal proceeding, as defined above, or impede, obstruct, or influence a legal proceeding.
- Violations of the relevant provisions in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are punishable by fines or imprisonment up to 20 years.
- If Westside learns of, or reasonably anticipates, a claim that may give rise to a legal proceeding, it will take appropriate actions, including cessation of destruction of records, to ensure safeguarding of records relevant to the legal proceeding.
Document Destruction and Deletion
- All documents will be deleted from all individual computers, databases, networks, and back-up storage no earlier than the end of the periods described in Attachment A.
- When the retention period for a document has been reached, the Director in charge of the department, working with the Director of Clinical Information Technology and the Director of Information Security and Technology/HIPAA Security Officer as necessary, will take the necessary steps to remove, destroy, or delete the document.
- Confidential documents, including but not limited to medical records and employee records, will be shredded or otherwise destroyed in a manner that will preserve the confidentiality of their contents, in consultation with the Director of Site Operations/HIPAA Privacy Officer as necessary.
- Processes for destruction and deletion are established and overseen by the Director of Site Operations/HIPAA Privacy Officer for paper documents and the Director of Information Security and Technology/HIPAA Security Officer for electronic documents.
Retention of Medical Records
- Westside retains its medical records according to the attached schedule and recognizes the particular responsibility it has to its patients to ensure that its retention policies allow for records to be provided, as requested or needed, in accordance with law and regulation.
- The retention time of a medical record is determined by its use and Westside policies (this and others, as relevant), in accordance with law and regulation.
- Original medical records are not released unless the organization is responding to law and regulation. If original copies must be released, copies shall be made and retained.
- Retention of medical records supports meeting federal and state legal requirements for prompt production of medical records, when requested by a current or former patient.
- Retention of medical records supports meeting federal and state legal requirements related to transfer of and access to patient medical records due to a change of physician.
- Westside retains its medical records according to the attached schedule and recognizes the particular responsibility it has to its patients to ensure that its retention policies allow for records to be provided, as requested or needed, in accordance with law and regulation.
Oversight and Authority
- The Compliance and Risk Management Committee will assess organizational compliance with this policy annually, confirming that appropriate documents are being retained and reviewing the destruction and deletion of documents for which the retention limit has been reached.
- Exceptions to these rules and terms for retention may be granted only by the President & Chief Executive Officer or Chair of the Board.
- IRS Compliance Guide for 501(c)(3) Public Charities. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p4221pc.pdf
Document Retention Policies for Nonprofits, National Council of Nonprofits. https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/tools-resources/document-retention-policies-nonprofits
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Sections 802 and 1102, The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Implications for Nonprofit Organizations (Sarbanes-Oxley Act), July 30, 2002. https://www.congress.gov/107/plaws/publ204/PLAW-107publ204.pdf
Non-Profits and Sarbanes-Oxley, American Bar Association (ABA). https://www.americanbar.org/groups/center-pro-bono/resources/program-management/nonprofits_sarbanes_oxley/
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other state and federal employment laws
Delaware Code, 10 Del. C. § 3926. Production of records, jurisdiction. https://delcode.delaware.gov/title10/c039/index.html
Delaware Code, 24 Del. C. § 1761. Physician discontinuing business or leaving the State; death of a physician; change of physician and transfer of patient records; patient access to records. https://delcode.delaware.gov/title24/c017/sc05/index.html
Relevant Standard from The Joint Commission (TJC): RC.01.05.01: The organization retains its clinical records. The Joint Commission (TJC). Leadership (LD) Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Ambulatory Health Care (CAMAC), January 1, 2021.
Financial Records |
Governance Records |
Intellectual Property Records |
Real Property Records |
Tax Records |
Certain Medical Records |
Medical Records |
Government Relations Records |
Legal Proceedings Files |
Billing Records |
Accountable Care Organization (ACO)-Related Documents |
Accident-Related Records |
Accounting Records |
Employee Benefits Records |
ERISA Filings |
Patient Complaints Records |
Performance Improvement Documents |
HIPAA Privacy Documents |
OSHA Reporting and Records |
Contracts | Contracts and related documents (from date of expiration or termination of contract), including:
Personnel Files |
Credentialing Files |
| |
Wage-Related Documents |
Employee Files |
FMLA records and documents |
Organizational and Human Resources Documents |
Medical Operations Records and Documents |
EEO Reports |
Assorted documents and records, including: Job Applicant and Job Order documents Electronic records, documents, and files Deposit Slips |